Nightclubs are brothels for females

The clubbing lifestyle

Every night there are people going to nightclubs in any big city. In the weekends, most young people go out to clubs and parties as religiously as their parents go to church. They pay club entrance tickets. They pay parking fees. They drive expensive cars, or rent expensive cars to go to the club. They wear expensive and often very uncomfortable stylish clothes. Why do they do it? What drives so many young people to go to such a place? Let’s have a close look at the motivators for the two sexes.

Why do guys go to nightclubs?

Guys go to nightclubs for one reason, and one reason only: it is the place where the chicks are. From when they were young, guys are programmed to believe nightclubs are THE way to get sex. If you turn on the television, and especially if you watch music channels, you see dancing girls in tight dresses; half naked dancing pretentiously around guys that display some status. In many movies you see the main characters get serial one-night-stands when they step a foot into clubs. Mostly, those movie characters step out of the club at the end of the night with a hot chick on their side. The character of the sleazy successful player is deeply programmed in our unconscious brain. Guys go to nightclubs because they believe it’s the easiest way to get pussy.

Why do females go to nightclubs?

If you watch females you see almost the opposite. Girls go to nightclubs to do their favorite thing, and that is to construct and play with relationships. For a girl, a nightclub represents the battlefield for her sexual market value. She can show off her goods and get attention from guys. The more attention she receives, the higher she can set her sexual price. In nightclubs she can observe who of the guys have the highest status and which groups of people display the hottest girls in their storefront. Judging the environment, she knows where she can place herself on the SMV-scale compared to the competition of the other girls.

This means that, for a chick, her sexual market value is positioned by the amount of guys she can reject and what quality of guy she can reject. In a nightclub a girl can wield the only power she has; and that is her sexual power.

The business model

So, what is happening in reality in nightclubs? I have gone out for years and years, because I too fell into the trap. In reality you see groups of people enter, dance a bit in a circle, look at each other. In meantime lots of guys get drunk to extrude the boredom and sometimes they go approach girls. Girls always belong to another group, so in reality the guy his advances get rejected almost always. The girls play a bit with their prey, mostly also out of boredom and because of the huge sexual power and ego trip she receives from all that male attention. Girls get bit tipsy too, so you see sometimes a girl make out with a guy. Making out for a girl means absolutely nothing. Guys get this way sometimes the attention they need from hot young girls, and oh behold; sometimes they get a makeout from a drunken chick.

It’s an almost perfect business model. This way the guys believe that, if they work more on their pickup-skills, they work on their looks and talking skills, and if he spends more money, in the end… he will get the girl. But this believe is flawed, to say the least.

If you look at the stats, the average amount of sexpartners in a lifetime for a guy, is somewhere around 7. This means that an average guy has to go out for years until they get pussy. This correlates with what I observe in the field. In reality you see the same group that enter the club, also leave the club intact. Sometimes you get a makeout, sometimes a girl will touch your dick, but a girl her sexual price setting is extremely high. Most girls will go for the guys of who she is sure of his social and financial status. And that is one of the guys that already have the social proof in her own group.

Avoid the booby trap

So, in the end, nightclubs are just places where girls go to get the things they crave: ego power trips, attention and a tool to place her sexual price so insanely high, so she can avoid the sex without problems. For this deeply programmed need, she needs guys off course. In a way, you can see nightclubs as female brothels. The guys are the prostitutes that give their female clients the power trip their female clients crave. The price that the guys pay is not only the financial price of transport, parking, entrance and drinks, or even the time lost. The highest price a guy pays is his dignity.

What can we do about this? Most older and experienced men become disgusted by nightclubs. We as the male collective have to face the fact that nightclubs are there to consume us. They rob us from our dignity, from our time, and from our financial resources. It’s the only place where there are a lot of females present; but we have to look at it as one big honey pot. The honey pot is there to lure us of all the things we possess.
I know it’s hard to stay at home. We WANT to believe bars and clubs provide a player lifestyle, but looking at the hard facts, almost all guys that try the clubbing lifestyle fail. We are made to believe that if we fail in nightclubs we fail in life. To comfort their ego, guys find solace in drugs, alcohol and the illusion that they are there “for the music”.

By going to nightclubs you keep the system intact. As a group, the male collective has to stop spending their resources there. You pay for an illusion, but it’s an expensive illusion. As a ghost or MGTOW, stay out of nightclubs as much as possible. That is, unless you want to prostitute yourself!

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