Why do people get children?

The need to get children

One thing that I, as a MGTOW, keep me busy is wondering about the world. When I see families, I rarely see the happy family that the media is presenting us in the commercials. The parents are always bitching towards their children. They get angry at them for the slightest thing they do wrong. They get angry if they play or stop and look in marvel at the world around them. The children have to produce and “develop” nonstop. The parents don’t seem happy at all, and children just follow them in their ignorance. I fail to accept that other wannabee parents don’t see this also; so why would a couple choose to whelp a few more cottars on this already over-consumed planet?

The MGTOW perspective

I don’t have the need to have children. It seems like absolute horror to me, so why do people get children? I asked them.

Most guys want children sooner or later. They seem to have the need to propagate their DNA, and is a kid not the biggest ego satisfaction? It’s a twinge of power. With children you can force something on the world that is yours. Also, you show to the world and your environment that you’ve succeeded as a human being. You propagated.

For chicks, there are other mechanisms at play. They have the biological drive hard-coded into them. By having children they can force their husband to work and to provide for her and her kids. This way she can have an easy life, doing the mind-numbing things she can do best.

One factor that is let out of this story are the kids themselves. It’s clear to me that the majority of parents don’t care about their children. They want the children to have a good education, and join the right clubs or the right culture so they can brag to their friends and environment about the “accomplishments” of the children. The happiness of the children is never a factor to consider! Why else send the kids to schools? Schools that have more in common with a prison than a center of study, mentorship and enlightenment?

Avoid the trap

As a MGTOW or ghost we cannot join this story. Most guys have somewhere a need to procreate so your DNA keeps existing. As a redpill person and above else, as a GOOD person, it’s a crime to place children on this planet if you cannot give it a future. Why give your child a life of misery, confinement and mindnumbing jobs in poverty? If you’re a miserable, poor person yourself you shouldn’t procreate. Period. Your own ego satisfaction is of no consequence at all if another innocent life is involved. As a ghost we not only avoided the trap of females, but we also have to avoid loading our own shit onto other people.

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